
Tournament Rules - Updated for Season 3 6/12/2019

  • All games are played on PS4
  • All sets are 2 out of 3 except for Winners, Losers and Grand Finals which are 3 out of 5
  • If you need to leave the tournament area for any reason, let the Tournament Organizer know and let them know when you'll be back. They might need you soon for a match.
  • When you sit down to play a match, make sure you remove all Dualshock controllers from the devices list.
    • Hit the PS button, go to settings -> devices -> bluetooth Devices
    • Highlight a controller
    • Hit X
    • Hit Options
    • Hit right to get to 'Forget'
    • Hit X
    • Repeat until they're all gone
  • If both players are playing on legacy controllers, get someone else to remove the Dual Shock controllers.
  • If you didn't follow the rule to remove the dual shock controllers, and your game still gets paused. Call a Tournament Organizer for shaming.
  • If you want a specific side, let the other player know. If they want the same side do a first to one in Rock, Paper Scisors
  • If you somehow pause the game or hit the Playstation button during a match, the opponent can choose to take the round.
  • At the beginning of a match, either player may request a blind character pick. If either player requests it, call a TO over, both players will whisper their pick to the TO, then they select those characters. The TO will make sure the whispered character is selected for both players.
  • Winner must keep the same character. The loser can choose a different character or just go to stage select.
    • If a player selected a character via 'Random Select' and wins, they must keep the same character.
    • If Mokujin (or another character like Mokujin) gets added to the game, then if a player pics them and wins, the player must keep that character.
  • When you finish with a match, report the results to the Tournament Organizer.
  • UDATED: Customizations are not allowed. Default pre-sets outfits are.
  • Coaching is allowed, but only 1 coach per player. Coaching can only be done between games or before the match. Coach time is limited to 90 seconds.
  • UPDATED: Only the main tournament will be ranked, any redemption bracket will be un-ranked.
  • UPDATED: Only regular monthlies will be ranked, Majors or other special events will not be ranked.
    • TO's if you want your tournament ranked, please contact the Seattle Tekken admins on Facebook
  • UPDATED: Cheering and jeering from the crowd is perfectly fine, as is a healthy level of trash talking and playful banter. However, if you cross the line into malicious, threatening, or discriminatory hate you will be asked to leave. Do not try to intentionally make other attendees uncomfortable. Control yourself and treat others with respect.
  • If you have any questions, ask a Tournament Organizer.
  • Have fun.

Deathmatch Rules - Updated for Season 3 6/12/2019

These rules will be in place for Season One of the Seattle Tekken rankings. They might change in future seasons depending on how they work.

  • All games are played on PS4 for local Deathmatches or any platform for online Deathmatches.
  • Updated - A DM can be REQUESTED at any time regardless of criteria below and can be denied for any reason.
  • Updated - A CHALLENGE can be issued if you meet all the criteria below. If the challenged person denies it is considered a forfeit.
    • You are both ranked or both unranked.
    • The Challenger is 150 or less points below the Challenged in the official Seattle Tekken Rankings.
      • Example: Player 1 has 1454 points, Player 2 has 1201 points, Player 3 has 1310 points.
        • Player 2 cannot CHALLENGE Player 1 since they are more then 150 points below Player 1 (1454 - 1201 = 253)
        • Player 3 can CHALLENGE Player 1 since they are within the 150 point threshold (1454 - 1201 = 144)
        • Player 2 can CHALLENGE player 3 since they are within the 150 point threshold (1310 - 1201 = 109)
      • The number of points might be adjusted mid-season if there's an issue with it
    • You have not challenged the individual in the last (14) days
    • They have not denied a challenge from you this season.
    • The Challenged does not have another previously scheduled challenge for the same day/event.
  • A deathmatch is a race to 5 wins.
  • When you sit down to play a match, make sure you remove all Dualshock controllers from the devices list.
    • Hit the PS button, go to settings -> devices -> bluetooth Devices
    • Highlight a controller
    • Hit X
    • Hit Options
    • Hit right to get to 'Forget'
    • Hit X
    • Repeat until they're all gone
  • Online Deathmatches will be accepted, but both players must agree to it and the following conditions must be met.
    • Connection must be 4 or 5 bars
    • If substantial lag still happens, schedule with your opponent a different time to rematch.
    • Record the match for potential review by a judge.
      • This can be done by either PS4 Share, OBS, or streaming it and saving the replay.
    • This is a trial run of online Deathmatches, please communicate with the admins over any issues and we will work to come up with solutions.
  • If both players are playing on legacy controllers, get someone else to remove the Dual Shock controllers.
  • If you didn't follow the rule to remove the dual shock controllers, and your game still gets paused. Call a Tournament Organizer for shaming.
  • If you want a specific side, let the other player know. If they want the same side do a first to one in Rock, Paper Scisors
  • If you somehow pause the game or hit the Playstation button during a match, the opponent can choose to take the round.
  • At the beginning of a match, either player may request a blind character pick. If either player requests it, call a admin over, both players will whisper their pick to the admin, then they select those characters. The admin will make sure the whispered character is selected for both players.
  • Winner must keep the same character. The loser can choose a different character or just go to stage select.
    • If a player selected a character via 'Random Select' and wins, they must keep the same character.
    • If Mokujin (or another character like Mokujin) gets added to the game, then if a player pics them and wins, the player must keep that character.
  • When you finish with a match, report the results to the admins
    • If an admin is not present, post the results to the Facebook page and tag 'Evan Shimono'
  • Customizations are allowed if your opponent agrees. This rule might get overruled if excessive issues happen.
    • Exception - Any customization that obscures or makes it difficult to see the character
    • Item moves are not allowed. If a player uses an item move, they forfeit the round.
    • A player has 5 seconds after match starts to stop the match over customization issues.
  • Coaching is allowed, but only 1 coach per player. Coaching can only be done between games or before the match. Coach time is limited to 90 seconds.
  • If you have any questions, ask an Admin
  • Have fun.